
Tuesday, June 22nd, 2021

What a beautiful day!!!   A blast from the past, a moment to sit in the here and now, and a nod to the future!!  It is so bright! Please remember to meet at 8:10am at the top of the tunnel, by the fence.  As well, please arrange for a pick-up of around 5:10pm.  Let's leave no person behind!! Remember to bring a water bottle and snacks.  We will not be using the vending machines or the cafeteria on the ferry.  Please make sure you have what you need.  Mc Donald's lunch will be provided for you! See you in the AM!!

Monday, June 21st 2021

 Wow!!  The last week of grade seven!! Please remember that we are out of the building for the most of the day tomorrow.  Please bring a water bottle.   Students have been advised to keep some of their supplies for next year.  Some have opted not.  Please chat with your parents to see if they will be purchasing you new supplies for Grade 8. Note that we are into the city on Wednesday.  Please make a way to the ferry for 8:10am and arrange a pick up for 5:00pm. It's the final countdown!!

Thursday, June 17th, 2021

 Lake Day Tomorrow!!! Please bring: water bottle, hat, sunscreen, snack, positive attitude Hot dog lunch will be provided for those wishing to have one! Fun!!

Wednesday, June 16th 2021

  Please remember to bring in your permission forms tomorrow!!  This is essential. Please bring a bag to pack home any belongings you might wish to take with you.  We will be cleaning out our space over the next couple of days. The count down has begun!

Tuesday, June 15th 2021

 Please remember to bring in your permission forms tomorrow!!  This is essential. Please bring a bag to pack home any belongings you might wish to take with you.  We will be cleaning out our space over the next couple of days. The wind down is starting!

Monday, June 14th 2021

 Welcome back!!  Only 2 weeks left of grade seven.   Please make sure that you bring your permission slip that Ms Cowan sent home on Friday back ASAP.  We will be sending home a couple more permission slips over the next couple of days.  Please make sure that you are checking your backpack and getting these in the next day.  This makes organizing things so much easier! Thanks for the baseball game today Grade Sevens.  It was great to see you working together! As we wind down, students will be bringing some work home.  It would be great if you could start bringing some reusable carrier bags here to transfer your belongings. 8 Days to go...but who's counting.

Friday, June 11th 2021

 Thanks to everyone for a fabulous Friday! Please remember that Grade 7s play softball against staff on Monday.  Better bring my glove!! Please check your inboxes, or get your parents to email me if they did not receive the information for some reason.  We are hopefully planning some field trips for the next couple of weeks. Please make sure your parents are given the letters that went home today.  They are secret! Have a great weekend!!