Wednesday, October 25 2017

Thanks to all the parent volunteers yesterday and today!  What a great way to spend an afternoon.

Another thanks to Lisa, who is putting together the information for Grade 7 hoodies.  I will touch base with kids this week to show them the styles and have them try on some sizes.  Please see below for a picture of the colours.


1) Math - p.74-75 #3-10 - Please do not forget we will have a pre-quiz tomorrow on adding and subtracting integers.  Students who achieve 100% on this quiz will not have to take the regular quiz on Friday.

2) Science Experiment due tomorrow (Thursday, October 26th)

3) Character Sketch due Friday, October 27th.

4) Please be practicing Fallbrook March on your band instrument.  We will be playing this for the Remembrance Day Ceremony on November 10th.


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