Thursday, January 25 2017
Students are continuing to work on recalling math multiplication and division facts. It is important that students keep up their number sense and increase their comfort working and playing with numbers. I have extra practice sheets in my room for any students who might like extra at home practice. Students are responsible for ensuring they are comfortable with multiplication and division facts up to 100.
Students are working on a composition piece at the moment. They may choose the from one of the formats below:
children's story
Students my write on a topic that will help to serve the betterment of society in some way. Some students are writing a commentary on what is or is not working within society, others are creating a tool for teaching others about parts of speech. This is a relatively free and creative process, full of student choice. These will be presented Thursday, February 1st.
Students are working on a composition piece at the moment. They may choose the from one of the formats below:
children's story
Students my write on a topic that will help to serve the betterment of society in some way. Some students are writing a commentary on what is or is not working within society, others are creating a tool for teaching others about parts of speech. This is a relatively free and creative process, full of student choice. These will be presented Thursday, February 1st.
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