Homework: 1) Practice your band instruments - in particular, Jurassic Park bars 10-30. 2) If you do not understand Order of Operations in math, please work to complete the booklet. If you do understand, great! For parents wanting to check in with your students, please follow the link to the math-drills website for some sample questions as a continuation of what we've been doing in class. https://www.math-drills.com/orderofoperations/ooo_integers_threesteps_negative_pemdas_001.php
Band Instruments: Instrument pick up will happen on Wednesday, June 19th. You can bring your instruments in at anytime prior to this. Please make sure they are labeled with your name (first and last) and your division number (1). If they are not handed in specifically to me, this will not be considered handed in. There are many instruments in the back of the classroom... students will have to claim them first, label them, and then hand them in officially. Vancouver Field Trip (Wednesday, June 12th 2019): Please note the ferry change - We will be returning back to Gibsons on the 4:40pm from Horseshoe Bay. In other words, at Langdale by 5:20pm. Students will want to wear comfortable clothes that they can move around easily in. A hand towel may come in handy when finishing up with archery tag, as students will likely want to wash their feet when finished. Students will need a hearty lunch, plenty of snacks, and a water bottle. Homework: A...
Welcome Back to Week 8! That's right, only 8 weeks left of grade 7. Please keep your reading logs up to date. You will find copies of reading logs at the back of the room. Please practice being responsibility by picking up a new reading log when you need one and then handing them in on Mondays. The idea is that you read for 30 minutes each night and then get your parent to sign off. Finally, you hand this in on Monday morning. In Language Arts, we have started Literature Circles. The first weekly summary is due on Wednesday, May 5th. Please note that Character Attribute Outlines are due on Tuesday, May 11th. This coming Wednesday we will meet with Elphi staff to welcome our grade 7s! There will be a parent meeting as well. Please check your email boxes for a zoom invite. In Math, our pre-test was today, the test will be tomorrow. If you'd like a practice question, please see the one below: This is the last week to c...
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