
Showing posts from March, 2018

Gibsons Walking Tour Oral Speeches

Please remember that you are expected to prepare a brief 2-3 minute discussion that you will present to the class as we do our walk-about in Gibsons.  Ms V-M provided details suggesting what you might include, such as historical facts, reasons for its purpose then and now, and how it impacts the community at large and you personally.  Please remember that suggesting that the site does not impact you is not an will have to dig deeper.  You have another week of spring break to explore some details!  Have fun!

Public Speaking April 6th 2018

Presenters: Everyone is expected to present on this Friday.  Your job is to prepare a story, your go-to story when you are trying to entertain friends or family.  Please use the criteria outlined below by Paula.  Good luck and have fun!

Tuesday, March 13 2018

Homework: 1) Please remember that your science fair question is due tomorrow. 2) Please check the public speaking entry for this coming Friday so that roles are all prepared. 3) Please come to the parent afternoon/evening tomorrow.

Monday, March 12 2018

Homework: 1) Hominid projects will be assembled this week and are due on Friday.  If you have any outstanding paragraphs, maps, or sketches, please make sure these are complete so that you are able to hand in this project and not have it looming over you during spring break. 2) Remember that science fair project questions are due this Wednesday.  Make sure it is an inquiry question that will bring you joy when discovering the answer...and remember, a good inquiry question often uncovers more questions! 3) Any final lit circle assignments are now overdue. 4) We look forward to seeing parents and students at the open house on Wednesday from 2:30-6:00pm.

Public Speaking for Friday, March 16 2018

Presenters: Joseph Kyle Jacob Bronte Raeanne Charlie Will Zach Tessa Frances Malcolm Eibhlin Gage Anna Hana Colin Brandon MC:  Jaiden Timer:  Cassidy Word of the Day: Kaishan Speech Curator: Hana Class Clowns: Eibhlin, Gage, Melody Quizzer: Brayden J

Public Speaking for Friday, March 9th

MC: Tessa Timer: Eibhlin Word of the Day: Jacob Curator: Melody Class Clowns: Melissa, Brandon Quizzer: Gage Who Am I? Presenters: Joseph Kyle Jacob Fear Presenters: Cassidy Cassie Tessa Charlie Braedyn Jaiden Melissa Jack Frances Bronte Melody Kaishan

Monday, March 5 2018

Homework: 1) Character Sketch now overdue 2) SS Physicality Sketch and Paragraph overdue 3) SS Map due tomorrow (Tuesday, March 6) 4) Journal Entry 6 due Wednesday