Friday, December 7th 2018

Today students were assigned chapter 24 from Touching Spirit Bear, which will be due on Monday.  Students will want to make sure they are completing their chapter summaries and adding as many details about their thinking as possible.  A strong entry includes what you think about a chapter, why you think it, and what happened in the story to make you think that way.

Students were given a large portion of time today to begin completing their paragraphs for their hominid project.  Please remember that you can search on the blog for the hominid project link for information to help you find success on the project.  You will likely want to make sure that you have colour coded your notes into the following categories: geography, time, appearance, technologies, and social customs.

I expect most students to have at least one paragraph complete by the end of the afternoon.  You need to have one paragraph on appearance, technologies, and social customs and another paragraph on geography and time.


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