
Showing posts from April, 2019

Tuesday April 30th 2019

Homework: Please bring your band instruments tomorrow.  It is our last practice before the Music Festival on Thursday May 2nd. Math Journals are due this coming Friday, May 3rd.  You will have 40 more minutes of tomorrow's math class to work on this, and then that is the last bit of class time available before the due date. Lit Circle Journal Entries are due tomorrow (Wednesday, May 1st).

Monday April 29th 2019

Homework: Please remember that the four questions assigned today in math will be checked over tomorrow in class.  You will then choose 3 of these questions to complete in a math journal. Lit Circle Journal Response 1 is due on Wednesday.  You will have 45 minutes in class tomorrow to work on this.  Please make sure that you are reading (you should likely be reading at least 30 minutes each night on top of what you read in class).

Friday, April 26th 2019

Homework: Please don't forget that your journal entries for Lit Circles will be due this coming Wednesday, May 1st. Please practice your band instruments for the music festival this Thursday, May 2nd.  Thanks to all of the volunteer parent drivers! Fundraiser: We look forward to seeing as many people out this Sunday, April 28th from 10:00am - 2:00pm for the Car Wash and BBQ at the Haley Dealership.  We are so grateful for all of the family and community support!

Thursday April 25th 2019

Science Fair was such a success.  Thanks to students and families for your inquiry. Homework:  Please make sure to bring your band instruments tomorrow. If you have a garden trowel/gardening gloves/rubber gloves for beach clean up, please bring them tomorrow in celebration of Earth Day!

Wednesday April 24th 2019

Homework: Science Fair Projects are due tomorrow!  We look forward to the science fair.  Please feel free to come and join us from 12:40-2:15pm as we move throughout all of the divisions. Please get your Friday Earth Day notices in. Please also get your music festival notices in for next Thursday!

Tuesday, April 23rd 2019

Homework: Math: Students have a quiz tomorrow on rules when working with decimals.  Please see below: Rule 1:  When adding or subtracting decimals, you must line up your decimal points. Rule 2: When multiplying decimals, use the bowtie method to show how each portion of the number is being multiplied and then how each part adds together to make the product. Rule 3: When dividing decimals, make it so the divisor is a whole number. Rule 4:  When your divisor is less than one, the quotient will be greater than the dividend. Poetry: There will be a poetry quiz on poetic devices and examples tomorrow. Band: Please practice and bring your band instruments tomorrow. Egg-Stravaganza: Please come tonight at 5:30pm.  We will meet in the classroom to assess, group together, and head out on the adventure!

Wednesday, April 17 2019

Homework: Please remember that your poetry projects are due Tuesday, April 23rd. Math Check-In is also due Tuesday, April 23rd.  Please see the question below and you can pick up a sheet from me tomorrow to complete the question if absent today. Please remember that the science fair experiments will need to be completed by tomorrow.  We will use much of our laptop time tomorrow researching your results and coming up with strong conclusions. A reminder that on Tuesday, April 23rd we will be hosting our Egg-Stravaganza.  Please see the blurb below to refresh the process.

Tuesday April 16 2019

Homework: Students will need to bring their band instruments tomorrow!! Please make sure that science experiments are being done within the next couple of days. If you have any supplies to create your stop-motion videos, please bring them tomorrow. Poetry projects are due this Thursday, April 18th. We will have a math take-home question being handed out in class tomorrow.  This will be due on Tuesday, April 23rd.  Please make sure you take some time to complete this either tomorrow evening, or over the long-weekend. Our upcoming fundraising events are scheduled as the following: Tuesday, April 23rd from 5:30-7:30pm.  Egg-stravaganza! Sunday, April 28th from 10:00am-2:00pm.  Car wash and BBQ! We have another great fundraising opportunity from our local butcher.  Information will be handed out on Thursday.

Monday, April 15th 2019

Homework: Please make sure you are practicing your band instruments. Today in math we worked on dividing decimals.  If you are unsure of the concept, please make sure you check in with me in the mornings or after school. Please make sure to bring your supplies for the stop motion animation productions over the next few days. Science Fair is coming up this Thursday, April 25th in the afternoon.  Science experiments must be completed this week.  We will spend class time typing up results and conclusions this week and next.

Friday, April 12 2019

Homework: Please practice your band instrument over the weekend. Remember that you must have your science experiments completed by Thursday, April 18th. Our poetry projects will be due April 18th, but we will have more class time to work towards completion.

Thursday, April 11 2019

Homework: Please bring your band instruments tomorrow!! Please make sure that you have started your science experiments.  The results of your experiments need to be ready to begin writing the conclusions on Thursday, April 18th. Also, if you'd like to bring treats for the Ötzi video event, you may! Please remember that your poetry projects are due this coming Thursday, April 18th (it turns out that the Friday is Good Friday).

Wednesday, April 10 2019

Homework: Please do not forget there is a quiz tomorrow on turning fractions into decimals, adding, subtracting, and multiplying decimals. Please make sure that you are practicing our band pieces!! Science Fair is coming up on Thursday, April 25th.  Please make sure that you have started your projects.

Tuesday, April 9 2019

Homework: Please remember that tomorrow your math "at-home" concept sheet is due.  If you have lost your sheet or need a reminder, please see below: Please remember that tomorrow is a band day!  Bring your instruments!! 😁

Monday April 8 2019

Please make sure that if you have not already done so, to return the form outlining the general itinerary and cost/fundraising ideas for the trip to Victoria. Homework: Please complete the Math question with your parent/guardian by Wednesday, April 10th 2019.  Remember that you are meant to complete the question in front of your parent and then walk them through the steps required to do so.  You will want to make sure that your parent signs the sheet as well. Please make sure that you have either started, or are ready to start your science fair experiments.  We will be setting time aside this week to continue to write up your experiment on the laptops for presentation.  The more you complete ahead of your experiment, the less time you will need to spend on this and can then focus on your results and conclusions in the final week.

Friday, April 5th 2019

Homework: Please make sure that you are practicing your band instrument!!  Hey Jude needs to sound comfortable from bars 9-38.  As well, please practice Furioso. Students all did a fabulous job of filming their Ötzi movies today!!  Congratulations on a job well done.  We will work on editing next week. Have a great weekend!

Thursday, April 4 2019

Homework: Today we worked on multiplying number with decimals. Please make sure you have your band instruments tomorrow!! Tomorrow we also film our Ötzi Revisited videos.  Students will have most of the afternoon to film, rain or shine.  Please make sure you have all of your costumes, props, and any other bits you need to make your video special!

Wednesday, April 3 2019

Homework: Please do not forget to practice your band instruments.  We have both the music festival and the band blast coming up in early May. Math was completed in class today.  We continued with adding decimals and introduced subtraction of decimals.  All of the same rules apply. Science Fair is coming up Thursday, April 25th.  Please remember to be considering your experiments for this weekend.  Your procedures and materials will be due by the end of tomorrow's science class, so that you are in good form for completing your experiments. Finally, Ötzi movies/movie trailers will be filmed on Friday.  You will want to ensure you have costumes, props, or any other items necessary to complete the filming of the story.  This is meant to celebrate Ötzi and have fun.  We will present these in a movie afternoon (on Wednesday) the week after next.

Tuesday, April 2 2019

Homework: Students worked on figuring out their science fair questions and hypotheses today.  These were due at the end of class, so that I could peruse them and offer assistance.  Please make sure these are complete by tomorrow.  You will want to ask yourself: How or What could be done to make the world a better place (environmentally, socially, biologically, etc...)?  Then, consider a wonder that fits in with this theme.  Finally, consider a possible cause and effect relationship.  This is your question, which you might then test out in your experiment. Please refresh turning fractions into decimals and then looking at place value. Band tomorrow!!  Please bring your instruments.