Monday September 30th 2019

Please watch the following video to remind you of the terms below:

Dictatorship: a government strategy where one powerful person or party has full control over the whole population.  An example of this is North Korea

Oligarchy: a government strategy where powerful rich people have the majority of say over the whole population.  Examples of oligarchies can be found in Russia.

Democracy: a government strategy where the general population (usually adults) vote on which political party they wish to control the country.  Canada is an example of a democracy.

Consensus: this is where a population would have to agree on any and all issues that impact the entire group.  A process could not move forward without agreement from all.  An example of this is restorative justice circles.

Please remember that you will need your band instruments tomorrow!!

Please make note of the two notices that came home today:
1) Meet and Greet
2) Cedar Grove Newsletter


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