Thursday, November 14th 2019
Thanks for bringing your instruments today!! Don't forget that you are responsible for knowing all notes between bars 5-21 in "Welcome Christmas". Please check the back of your book pages 46-47 for notes that you are unfamiliar with.
Please remember that you are responsible for practicing subtracting integers at home if you are struggling with the concept. We will have two more days of practice before the test, which I have rescheduled to Tuesday November 19th.
Please make sure to check in with students regarding both notices that have gone home:
1) Behaviour expectations on the bus
2) Behaviour expectations in and around the school with regard to our Division 1 students.
Please remember that you are responsible for practicing subtracting integers at home if you are struggling with the concept. We will have two more days of practice before the test, which I have rescheduled to Tuesday November 19th.
Please make sure to check in with students regarding both notices that have gone home:
1) Behaviour expectations on the bus
2) Behaviour expectations in and around the school with regard to our Division 1 students.
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