Friday, January 10th 2020

Please remember that if you did not complete your What/SoWhat/Then What sheet this is for homework.  You are expected to have at least 5 Otzi facts as your "whats" and then fill in what that could mean as your "so what" and then add a fictional event that corresponds to this assumption as your "then what".

Please make sure that you are ready for Wednesday with your first journal entry complete for you lit circle book.  If you are reading Chew On This, you might need to do some investigating of a specific fast food chain.  Check in to see what "characters" are used to sell their product to the general public. Look at your character from the perspective of someone trying to sell something!

Please remember that the fundraising bottle drive is happening this Saturday - rain or snow!

Please have a discussion with your parents regarding a trip expectation.  We will need to assess numbers to see if a TOC will also need to be hired to stay with students not attending the trip.


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