
Showing posts from February, 2020

Friday, February 28th 2020

Please remember to finish your Lit Circle Reflections, which will be due on Tuesday, March 3rd. Please make sure you are dressed to go outside on Monday.  We will spend some of our day in the woods. Please note that Jesse Wollen is coming to work with us on Monday. Have a great weekend everyone!!

Thursday, February 27th 2020

If you want to avoid slivers, bring a pair of wood working gloves (gardening gloves will work) tomorrow! Please be prepared to consider Science Fair Possibilities tomorrow.  Do a short search tonight of ideas that might interest you.

Wednesday, February 26th 2020

Please make sure to have a look at the golfing notice that was sent home. Please bring your instruments tomorrow. Don't forget about the lantern festival tomorrow!!

Tuesday, February 25th 2020

Please remember that your fear speeches with Paula Howley may be scheduled for tomorrow.  This is the first alphabetical half of the class.  Everyone should have a speech in the works, as the rest of you will present next week. Please remember to wear a pink shirt tomorrow in honour of anti-bullying day! All students who have not yet completed their Hot Seat presentations will present tomorrow.  Please make sure that if you want a costume, you have it ready to go ahead of the presentation! Auditions for Talent Show are happening this week.  Please touch base if you are interested in auditioning!

Friday, February 21st 2020

Please check to see if you are available to volunteer at the upcoming PAC Lantern Festival fundraiser this coming Thursday, February 27th in the evening.  You could run games, help set-up, or help clean-up. Don't forget your hot seat presentations on Monday if you did not do them on Friday! Have a fabulous weekend!!

Thursday, February 20th 2020

Please remember to bring games in for our board game session tomorrow. Hot Seat presentations are tomorrow!!! Please wear clothes that could get paint on them!  We will finish our bird houses tomorrow!

Wednesday, February 19th 2020

Please check in with your parents regarding our discussion on consent with Jesse Wollen.  Remember that the law is one thing and family values are another.  Discuss your family values with your family to better understand your family expectations. Please remember to bring a tape measure tomorrow!!  This is really important.  While the weather is good, it's best to have access to math activities outside.  We really need a sturdy measuring tape to make this happen. Please also remember to dress for being outside tomorrow.  We will spend a good portion of the day outside. Please remember to bring your instruments!

Tuesday, February 18th 2020

Please remember to have your speech prepared for Public Speaking (if you are set to present) tomorrow! Jesse Wollen is here tomorrow afternoon. Remember that your Story Plot Diagrams are due tomorrow!  Also, your last journal entry is due tomorrow.  Please remember that Hot Seat Presentations begin on Friday. Please note that on Thursday, PE will take place outside.  You will need to dress appropriately, as it is going to rain.  You may want to wear different shoes and bring fresh socks to change into.

Thursday, February 13th 2020

Please remember that for Lit Circles next week: 1) Wednesday: Final journal entry 2) Wednesday: Story Plot Diagram 3) Friday: Hot Seat Please remember to bring your instruments on Tuesday morning!

Wednesday, February 12th 2020

Sorry for the late post! Please remember to prepare for the math test tomorrow.  Only three people will be exempt after receiving 100% (AR, NC, and FSW) on today's pretest. Please make sure that you are up to date on all assignments.  If any Otzi stories or character sketch's have not been handed in by tomorrow, phone calls will be made home after school. Please remember that tomorrow is the last day to hand in your Butcher fundraising forms. Valentine's Day will be low-key tomorrow.

Tuesday, February 11th 2020

Please remember that you will have a math pre-test tomorrow.  This will be on Angles (obtuse, acute, straight, right), Triangles (scalene, isosceles, equilateral, right), and other Polygons (trapezoid, rhombus, square, rectangle).  You may bring in your "cheat-sheet" if you like! Please remember that Paula Howley is with us tomorrow morning, first thing!  You will need to have your speech or job prepared so that we move with fluidity and make the most of this fabulous opportunity!! Please keep up to date with your Lit Circle assignments.  The next journal entry is due tomorrow (#5) and your Story Plot Diagram is due next Wednesday (Feb 19th). Please make sure that any Otzi stories or overdue assignments that you have asked extensions for are in by this Thursday, Feb 13th at the latest!!  Otherwise this will result in a phone call home.  Marks need to be in for report cards coming up.

Friday, February 7th 2020

Please remember that you will have a math test this coming week.  If you need extra support, go through the blog and find past questions posted.  You can also go to Math Drills: Please make sure that you are caught up with all of your Lit Circle Assignments. Character Sketches are now due. Please be ready with your 5th Journal Entry this Wednesday. Your Story Plot Diagrams are due on Wed. Feb. 19th. Please create DuoLingo account and have this ready for Monday!! Have a great weekend!

Thursday February 6th 2020

Please bring your gloves if you would like to use them during bird house building. Our math test will be postponed to next week, either Wednesday or Thursday. If you'd like extra math sheets, please let me know before the end of the day.

Wednesday, February 5th 2020

Please remember to bring your instruments tomorrow! We will continue to practice the math, since some people are struggling still with some of the concepts.  Please practice the questions below and show your parents how to complete each one!

Tuesday, February 4th 2020

Please remember that Public Speaking begins tomorrow!! Note that we will have a math pre-test on Friday. Please see the questions below to help you understand what will be on the test. Tomorrow we will build our bird houses.  Please bring in gardening gloves to avoid slivers, of you wish. If you sent in a deposit with your child for the trip that's been cancelled, please note these were sent home today.

Monday, February 3rd 2020

Please remember to bring your instruments tomorrow if you are in Grade 6.  If you are in Grade 7, do NOT bring your instruments. Please remember that Otzi stories are due on Friday. Please remember that your 4th journal entry is due for Lit Circles on Wednesday.  As well, your Character Sketch is due on Friday. Story Plot Diagram Criteria sheets will be handed out tomorrow. Public Speaking starts on Wednesday!!! The verdict is in.  We will not be going on a ski trip due to lack of interest.  Deposits will be returned to students tomorrow.  We will plan a couple of day trips instead.