Tuesday, April 21st 2020
Good Morning Division 1!
Remember that tomorrow (Wednesday) we will have a Zoom call at 11:10am. Please note that this is optional and is just for checking in. If you are going to attend, please consider the prompt below ahead of time so that you are prepared to speak about it:
What focus would you choose for a self-directed passion project? What makes that focus so interesting to you? How might you even start investigating your passion?
Please check your inbox for the invitation. If you have your own email account, I will send it to you directly.
Shape of the Day – Your Choice!
You were asked yesterday to create your own day plan for today! If you did not get a chance to do this, just flip back to yesterday’s plan, or spend some time making one right now.
Remember to include 50 minutes of Math and 50 minutes of Language Arts. Please send me the plan via email. I’m super interested to see your planning strategies!
Also, remember to breathe for three minutes. Focus only on your breathing. If a thought comes into your head, let it be with no judgment, and then go back to your breathing. With each breath in and out, remind yourself that it is good to breathe. When your three minutes are up, enjoy the space you created both in your mind and in your living space.
You got this!
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