Wednesday, April 29th 2020

Good Morning Division 1!

Shape of the Day – Zoom Day!!

8:30 - 8:50am – Check in and Sleep Record.  You might also wish to prepare for the Zoom meeting today.  Please remember to work through the two questions below:

1)    A boy has as many sisters as brothers, but each sister has only half as many sisters as brothers… How many sons and daughters do the parents of the boy have?

You will also need to have a pen/pencil and paper with you for an activity that we will be doing together.  Fun!!

Check your email inboxes (or junk box) for invitations and your small zoom group for this week.

8:50 – 9:00am – Stretch break.  Listen to one or two of your favourite songs and move around.

9:00 – 10:15am – Math – Use the math page to guide you.

10:15 – 10:50 – Go Outside.  Be active.  Be mindful. (You can stay out longer dependant upon the time of your Zoom call)

10:50 – 11:00 – Prepare for the Zoom Call.  The invitations were sent out yesterday. 

11:00 – 11:30 – Zoom Call – Group 1
11:30 – 12:00 – Zoom Call – Group 2
12:00 – 12:30 – Zoom Call – Group 3 (we can eat lunch together if you’d like)

12:00 – 1:00 – Lunch Break

1:00 – 2:00 – Language Arts (use the Language Arts page for extra assistance)

2:00 – 2:30 – Email me.  I am starting to feel that this whole “online learning thing” is only happening one way: me writing at you.  A few of you have emailed me, but I want to hear from everyone.  Here are some prompts:

Tell me about something new you have learned.
Tell me about a walk you went on.
Tell me about a book you are reading. Who are the characters?  What’s the plot?
What is your science fair question?
What is a challenge you are feeling?
What do you like about our “new normal”?
What would motivate you more?   What motivates you to get up in the morning?

I would like to hear from everyone by Friday (May 1st) morning.  If I’ve not heard from you through email, I will give you a call.  If you want to email and get a call, tell me in your email that you’d like me to give you a call on Friday.

Please remember, being responsible for your learning is becoming your job, not that of your parents.  Consider, if you think you are old enough to start making decisions about your life for yourself, then you must begin showing your families that you can make responsible decisions.  Part of this means initiating your own learning.

Remember to breathe for three minutes.  Focus only on your breathing.  If a thought comes into your head, let it be with no judgment, and then go back to your breathing.  With each breath in and out, remind yourself that it is good to breathe.  When your three minutes are up, enjoy the space you created both in your mind and in your living space.  

You Got This!!


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