Friday, May 22nd 2020

Good Morning Division 1!

Today I will be unavailable to connect with you.  Sadly, I am attending my grandfather’s funeral, who passed away in April.  We had to wait until now to have a small family gathering.  We are relieved to be able to celebrate his life, together in person, even if still physically distanced.  This pandemic has impacted us all, good, bad, and sad.  And, I have a great deal of hope for our future and know that this will pass.  Chin up! 
Have a fabulous weekend.

Library Day – Go to the Library Page for more information.  
Try to win your hat at Book Bingo!

Shape of the Day – Thank Goodness It’s Friday!

Grade 7s, check out the video link below to help inform you on taking band next year:

8:30 - 8:50am – Record your sleep patterns.

8:50 – 9:00am – Stretch break.  Listen to one or two of your favourite songs and move around.

9:00 – 10:15am – Math – Play crib, chess, or any other game!  Try playing solitaire with a deck of cards… or go out and find numbers in nature!  Try mowing the lawn (if you’re allowed) or weeding an area.  Try to measure the area (Length x Width) and then discover how many weeds were in that one area.  Email me your findings.

Answer to yesterday’s problem:
The key to solving this riddle is realizing that you have to take the rabbit over first and the switch the fox with the rabbit. See step 2.
Step 1
Take the rabbit to the other side.
Other Side

Step 2
Go back and get the Fox and switch it with the Rabbit.
**The key here is that the carrots and the rabbit are not being left alone.
Other Side
(Not left alone)

Step 3
Take the carrots across.
Other Side
Step 4
Go back and get the rabbit.
Other Side

10:15 – 11:15 – Go Outside.  Be active.  Be mindful.

11:15 – 12:00 – Science or Social Studies.  See if you can invent a new technology that would help to make spending time outside more enjoyable for you.

12:00 – 1:00 – Lunch Break

1:00 – 2:00 – Language Arts.  Remember to check the Language Arts Page.  The theme this week for Creative Writing is TECHNOLOGY.  

2:00 – 2:30 – Choice Activity – Head to the Choices Page.  Grade 7s, send me your questions for the grade 8s.

Don’t forget to email me!  Here are the prompts:

Tell me about something new you have learned.
Show me a math question you figured out.
Tell me about a walk you went on.
Tell me about a book you are reading. Who are the characters?  What’s the plot?
What is your science fair question?
What sports are you keeping up with?
What do you like about our “new normal”?
What would motivate you more?   What motivates you to get up in the morning?

Remember to breathe for three minutes.  Focus only on your breathing.  If a thought comes into your head, let it be with no judgment, and then go back to your breathing.  With each breath in and out, remind yourself that it is good to breathe.  When your three minutes are up, enjoy the space you created in your mind.  

You got this!


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