Friday, November 13th 2020
Congratulations Grade 7s! Your morning of silence was a complete success and something to be truly proud of. Well done!
Please remember to spend some time this weekend considering what you would like to work on during your passion project time. Remember that you may work in groups and have incredible flexibility in what it is that you wish to focus your time and energy into. Below is a list of possible ideas:
Games for dexterity (marbles, ping pong balls, tossing games, crocinole etc...)
Games for the mind
Story/Play writing
Public Service Message
Visual Art
Another idea of your own?
Remember that you will need to be responsible for beginning to collect supplies that you may need to put your project into being. I'll also reiterate the importance for you to own your project and it makes sense to do something meaningful for you. This is supposed to be joyful, but not silly. You can work with your friends towards a meaningful goal. This is not just check out time.
Have an amazing weekend!
Key words: silence, wordless communication, joy, reflection
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