
Showing posts from January, 2018

Wednesday, January 31 2018

Homework: 1) Pre-test on fractions tomorrow.  Please go over your math packets! 2) Fraction Test Friday

Friday January 26th 2018

Homework: 1) Math fact sheets: multiplication and division 2) Dress for outside on Monday!  Rain or shine, we'll be in the elements.

Thursday, January 25 2017

Students are continuing to work on recalling math multiplication and division facts.  It is important that students keep up their number sense and increase their comfort working and playing with numbers.  I have extra practice sheets in my room for any students who might like extra at home practice.  Students are responsible for ensuring they are comfortable with multiplication and division facts up to 100. Students are working on a composition piece at the moment.  They may choose the from one of the formats below: rant poem essay children's story Students my write on a topic that will help to serve the betterment of society in some way.  Some students are writing a commentary on what is or is not working within society, others are creating a tool for teaching others about parts of speech.  This is a relatively free and creative process, full of student choice.  These will be presented Thursday, February 1st.

Friday, January 19th 2018

There is no homework for the weekend. Well done on the PSA presentations today and the Hallway Sprints!

Tuesday, January 16th 2018

Homework: 1) Please do some at home fraction math practice if you are still feeling challenged by what we're doing in class. 2) Math Pre-Test Thursday and Test Friday.

Monday, January 15 2018

Students will have another pre-pre test tomorrow.  This will allow them to expedite their skills working with fractions.  We are looking at moving between improper fractions and mixed numbers, as well as with reducing and equivalent fractions. Students also worked on paragraphs today relating to our working definition of a totem and how their garbage creation relates to the community. As the week continues, students will also arrange and present a PSA based on a topic of environmental interest. Please see the criteria and possible media below: Please bring your BAND INSTRUMENTS tomorrow!

Friday, January 12 2018

There is no homework for the weekend. Thanks so much to all of your hard work cleaning up the neighbourhood this afternoon Division 1!  I was so proud of your work ethic. Please see some of the artistic creations below that were made out of the gems we collected.

Thursday January 11 2018

Please remember to wear outdoor clothing tomorrow...something in which would be suitable to rummage through garbage. 😁

Wednesday, January 10 2018

No Homework. A reminder to all students, Friday please come prepared to be outside for the better part of the day and make sure to dress appropriately and bring gloves (rubber or garden).  We will be handling garbage and creating structures with it. Please bring band instruments tomorrow!

Tuesday, January 9th 2018

Today students gradually warmed to being back in school.😉 This week we will be investigating how the materials we use impact our lives.  Please note that students will need to dress for outside this coming Friday.  Students will be heading out into the area surrounding our school and will collect rubbish laying about.  As well, students will be working with the rubbish to create artwork as well as sort into subcategories.  It is important that students bring rubber gloves if they wish to avoid handling the rubbish with bare hands. Please feel free to read through some of our paragraphs on theme posted earlier today.

Hello Ocean Paragraphs

Today we have focused on visualization and theme.  Today's paragraphs have been written to emphasize our understanding of the themes found in Pam Ryan's short story, Hello Ocean . Please feel free to read our drafts.😀

Monday January 8th 2018

Happy New Year!! I hope you have all had a restful break and are ready to get to sleep early tonight so as to be refreshed and ready for learning tomorrow! Please remember to bring your band instruments tomorrow, as we will have band after lunch. See you soon. Ms MacInnes.