
Showing posts from November, 2020

Monday, November 30th 2020

 Please remember to practice for your math test tomorrow.  Please see the post on math for specific reminders about the different steps.  There are also some practice questions. Please remember to bring the supplies you'll need for your passion projects on Wednesday! Key words: integer, hoodie, and hominid

Math Test Tuesday: Practice Questions

 Please remember the following rules for adding and subtracting integers using a number line. Step 1: Always position yourself at the spot on the number line that marks the first integer in the equation. Ex. (-2) - (+3) =  Place your marker at (-2) on the number line. Step 2: If you are adding a positive number: move that many spaces to the right. If you are adding a negative number: move that many spaces to the left. If you are subtracting a positive number: move that many spaces to the left. If you are subtracting a negative number: move that many spaces to the right. Step 3:  Mark your answer down. Please practice using tiles or a number line on the questions below:

Friday, November 27th 2020

 Happy Report Card Reading Everyone! Please note that if you were away today, you can do your Hot Seat presentation on Monday. If you have not done so, make sure you have access to a favourite childhood storybook for Monday, as we will begin our read-aloud series. Keywords: Hollis, integer, and assessment

Thursday, November 26th 2020

 Thanks to everyone for a vibrant Thursday! Please remember that if you are struggling with integers, you must do some at home practice.  Here are a few questions to try out.  Remember that you can use tiles or number lines to help guide you! Hot seat presentations are tomorrow! Key words: rap, hominids, and history

Wednesday, November 25th 2020

Sorry for the lat Wednesday shout out! Hot Seats start tomorrow! Crazy Hair Day is also tomorrow! Please make note that it is early dismissal next week on Wednesday and Thursday and I will be sending out some information for parents regarding interviews tomorrow afternoon.  Students receive their report cards on Friday. Please make sure that you bring some comfortable clothes tomorrow and even possibly something to sit on, like a pillow or blanket for our class circle. Key words: honey, respect, compassion, and character. 

Cedar Grove Has Style!!

 Here is the promotional Cedar Grove Wear video featuring many Division 1 students. Well done everyone!

Friday, November 20th 2020

 Happy Friday! If you ordered Advent Calendars, these came home today. Please remember this is the last day to order your prints from Artona to arrive before the holiday. Character Sketches are due on this coming Wednesday, November 25th. Hot Seat presentations are coming this Thursday and Friday... start preparing to be your character now! Please remember that Monday is a Pro-D Day.   Have a great weekend!!

In Class Post for Thursday, November 19th 2020

 Good Afternoon Munchkins, Please follow the instructions carefully.  Use the picture below to set up your notes page, but instead of using "Hominid" as your title, please input "Neanderthal".   Then, watch the following video for the first 10-15 minutes.  Take down as many notes on 1) physical features; 2) where they are found; 3) tools/technologies; 4) timeline; 5) culture You will need this page completed when I come back.  Hand it in to the TOC to keep it safe!

Wednesday, November 18th 2020

 Thanks to the dancers today!  I cannot wait to see the video! Please remember that your character sketches are due on Wednesday of next week.  Please feel free to work on these at home if you are feeling pressed for time. For math, please make sure that you are understanding integers - specifically subtracting them!  You should, with tiles and zero pairings, be able to complete the following type of question: Please bring your supplies for your passion projects.  You must do this, or I will give you a project to complete! Key words: prejudice, integers, passion, and silly

Tuesday, November 17th 2020

Thanks to Ms Sophie for gifting us with dance this morning! Please bring an extra pair of pants/socks/shoes so that if you get saturated at lunch, you've got something dry to change into! Please remember to bring everything you need for your passion projects tomorrow!  Please see yesterday's post if you need to be refreshed on what this might entail. Character sketches are due early next week.  Please feel free to do some extra work at home to increase your chances of "exemplary". Key words: passion, dance, and 

Monday, November 16th 2020

 Welcome Back!   Please note that this Wednesday November 18th is the last day to order your Artona school photos to have them in time for the Holiday! You must have your child's pupil # which would have been on the card you received by Artona.  If you have misplaced that card, please call the school to get your child's pupil #. If you are unsure of adding integers both using tiles or a number line, you need to force yourself to learn this tonight.  Please see the page below to check in with yourself: Character Sketches are due this coming Tuesday, November 24th.   Character Attributes Outlines are now overdue. Please make sure that you are collecting as many supplies as possible to begin your upcoming passion projects on Wednesday.  Many people need: cardboard,  empty paper towel or toilet paper rolls marbles tape bottle caps pvc pipe wood pieces If you have some of this stuff at home and are allowed to bring...

Friday, November 13th 2020

 Congratulations Grade 7s!  Your morning of silence was a complete success and something to be truly proud of.  Well done! Please remember to spend some time this weekend considering what you would like to work on during your passion project time.  Remember that you may work in groups and have incredible flexibility in what it is that you wish to focus your time and energy into.  Below is a list of possible ideas: Games for dexterity (marbles, ping pong balls, tossing games, crocinole etc...) Games for the mind Acting/Play Story/Play writing Public Service Message Dance Music Visual Art Another idea of your own? Remember that you will need to be responsible for beginning to collect supplies that you may need to put your project into being.  I'll also reiterate the importance for you to own your project and it makes sense to do something meaningful for you.  This is supposed to be joyful, but not silly.  You can work with your friends towards a mea...

In-Class Post for Friday

Language Arts  Please feel free to use this website and read along with Chapter 8 in The War Between the Classes: Once you have finished the chapter, make sure that your Character Attributes assignment is complete.  You can then continue on with your Character Sketch. Math You can play solitaire with your deck of cards. You can play chess or checkers. You can learn how to play Yahtzee, but will do so without talking or making sounds.  You may work with 2-4 students - again, without talking.  You will get pretty good at miming. Please  watch the following video or read the article if you need to learn to play. Social Studies Please watch the following video and then fill in the Early Humans Sheet provided.

Thursday, November 12th 2020

 Today, we worked through most of Chapter 7 of The War Between the Classes.  Students then practiced adding integers.  At this point, students should be able to complete the following question: Students then began an introduction into the study of Hominids, early humans.  We watched the first 20 minutes of the following documentary: Tomorrow, students will start the day with a morning of silence.  We will use the time to reflect and work individually on projects. Key words: hominid, integer, discrimination, and social justice

Tuesday, November 10th 2020

Thanks to all our Cedar Grove students who showed incredible respect during our PA Remembrance Day Ceremony.  Remember to take a minute tomorrow at 11:00am to remember and show gratitude. Please remember that your Character Attribute Outlines are due on Friday of this week. Please dress for the rain on Thursday, when you come back to school. Key words: sacrifice, remembrance, and gratitude

Thank You!

  Thank you so very much to my secret sender!  What a surprise to open my door and find this act of gratitude!  I especially enjoyed the words of encouragement at the end!!  You made my weekend!

Friday, November 6th 2020

 Please get out and enjoy the sunshine this weekend! Students mostly did well on their brain tests today! PAC order forms for Advent Calendars went home today.  Get them before they're gone!! If you would like to hear chapter five read to you, please see the link below. The War Between the Classes : Chapter 5 Key words:  choice, freedom, expectation, and consequences

Thursday, November 5th 2020

 Please remember that you have a science test tomorrow on the brain.  You will need to know at least one fact per region that we have studied so far. Please remember that you will want to dress for the weather.  Tomorrow will be sunny, but cold! Please remember to come tomorrow with your learning cap on.  This is your opportunity to open yourself up to learning.  Coming in with a closed mindset will not help you.  Thanks for considering this! Key words: future, amygdala, and prejudice

In Class Post for Thursday, November 5th 2020

Please use the websites below to fill out the sheet handed out in class.  Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Websites:

Wednesday, November 4th 2020

 Today we started our new novel study: The War Between the Classes by Gloria Miklowitz If you have not finished your Who/What/When/Where/Why/How, please go to the post on the blog that directs you.  It's the same one that we looked at today in class. Please remember that we will have a test on the regions of the brain.  Get someone in your family to test you on the regions by using the study card that we made in class today.  Your test is on Friday! Key words: Shell Shock, PTSD, integers, and Remembrance

In Class Post for Wednesday, November 4th 2020

 Please make sure that you follow the instructions carefully. Today, you will be hearing some amazing stories from first hand survivors of war.  As you watch, what are some of the emotions that come up for you?  What can you learn from their stories?  Please complete the Graphic Organizer handed out in class in relation to one of the stories you watch. Go to the following website to find the stories: Please post below three things that you are grateful for.  Consider why we celebrate Remembrance Day and, in relation to this important day, how you can support those who fought for our collective freedom.  Start your post with this starter: Remembrance Day reminds me to feel gratitude for the following gifts: 1. 2. 3. Please know that I will be asking your parents to check the blog this evening and will ask them to guess which entry is yours.   Please remember that a blog is a p...

Tuesday, November 3rd, 2020

 Thanks to everyone who brought a mug and shared your short stories.  These were amazing!!  Sharing your creations is a really important part of your growth as individuals. Please make sure that you are keeping up to date with your understanding of integers.  You should be able to answer the following questions at this point: Please make sure that you are dressing appropriately for school!  The weather is wet and cold.  You will be outside for at least and hour a day.  There is no excuse and by grade seven, you should be able to manage your own clothing choices.  Choose wisely! Key words: greater and less than, integer, and brain

Monday, November 2nd 2020

 What an exciting day after the Halloween weekend.  Students clearly have and are consuming a lot of candy!!  Perhaps please consider bringing just one piece of candy per day to eat at school. Please remember to bring a mug for our story cafe tomorrow! It is photo retake day tomorrow.  If you are planning to get your photo retaken you need to bring in the photo card passed out on Friday. Today we had a long discussion about illegal substances and their impacts when brought into the school sphere.  Tonight would be a really great night to have a discussion about your family's views on usage and experimentation.  Please talk to your parents about this.   Key words: editing, surfing, substance use, and the brain